Thursday, October 06, 2011

Programme for October to June updated

After lots of typing, I have managed to update the programme onto the Unit Calendar all the way through until the District Jamboree Camp in June next year. The Calendar is shown at the bottom of this page for convenience so check back often if you want to know what's coming up. There are a couple of missing Monday night meetings in May next year and no doubt there will be other additions too over the next few weeks but it is complete as of today as far as I know.
Have a look through and put details into your own diaries so that you don't miss out on anything we have planned in the months ahead!
Andy Gray (ESL)

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This blog is primarily designed to allow our leaders, members & prospective members to post messages & photo's, keep each other up to date & share news but non-members are perfectly welcome to browse too. Hopefully you will see this Blog expand and develop as time goes by so jump on board and enjoy the ride!